Mothers, wives patience in Sacred Defense makes everyone humble
Women from the Leader's point of view - Part 8

TEHRAN – The companionship, empathy, patience and sacrifice of Iranian martyrs and war veterans’ mothers and wives during the Iraqi imposed war against Iran are so great and praiseworthy that they are undoubtedly unique in the history of Iran and cannot be overlooked.
If we talk about all the issues and aspects of war and the sacrifices of warriors and soldiers during the imposed war by ex-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on Iran (1980–88) [known as Sacred Defense in Iran] and do not mention the important role of their mothers and wives in that period and also in the post-war era, then the history of that period is definitely not stated correctly.
It is true that war is basically considered a manly and violent activity and requires a lot of fearlessness and courage but it should be noted that mothers and wives of the combatants play the main role in creating the combating spirit.
The wives and mothers of combatants, especially the mothers of the martyrs of the Sacred Defense not only did not prevent their husbands and sons from going to front lines of the war, but they were the best supporters and trainers for them.
During the eight years of Sacred Defense, the Iranian mothers created immortal epics that history will always remember. They lost their sons in the war to preserve the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and the security and peace of the people. These mothers spent long years in great hardship after their children's martyrdom.
In addition to mothers who lost one or more of their children during the war, there were also mothers who were not even aware of their children’s fate (whether alive or martyred) in war and endured this double sorrow for years.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei considers the role of martyrs' families as a key role backing martyrs in the Sacred Defense era.
“I have always said that our martyrs are on the front lines defending Islam and that their families–including fathers, mothers, wives and children–stand, immediately, behind them; this should be appreciated. The impact that martyrs exert on Islam and on Muslims is not few in number,” Ayatollah Khamenei said. (August 16, 2017)
During the war, many women accepted the responsibility or duty of staying at home and managing the family while their husbands fought on the front lines. Wives of martyrs had difficult tasks in growing their children in the absence of their martyred husbands. They faced many difficulties in their lives.
Ayatollah Khamenei in one of his speeches on April 19, 2014 said, “We have had so many wives of martyrs and disabled war veterans, so many mothers of martyrs and so many relatives of those people who laid down their lives in the way of God. The strong willpower, firm determination and patience of these women make everyone humble. I really have a sense of humility whenever I meet with these outstanding women. I have many meetings with the mothers and wives of martyrs and disabled war veterans.”
The Sacred Defense era in Iran brought up women who nursed their veteran husbands for many years. Wives and mothers of war veterans see the hard and painful life of their loved ones every day but they, especially the wives of disabled war veterans, try to maintain their families in spite of the difficulties they are facing.
“When a self-sacrificing lady spends her entire life managing and improving the life of a disabled war veteran for the sake of God, this is not a minor achievement. It is easy to say this, but it is very difficult to do it,” the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said in the same day.
Women, especially mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of martyrs, war veterans and prisoners, played a significant role in promoting the values and culture of war days. Many women in Iran were and are the mothers of several martyrs, simultaneously the mother of a martyr and the wife of a martyr, and in some cases the daughter or sister of a martyr at the same time.
The presence of the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of the martyrs and being pride of martyrdom of their loved ones, definitely has created a culture of sacrifice and the spirit of martyrdom among men, boys, youths and the nation.
“A mother who has offered two, three, four martyrs in the way of God and who has stood firm despite this, advises us to stand firm as well. One really feels humility in the face of such greatness. These are the realities about the women of our society which are very glorious and important realities. Well, this is thankfully the bright and shining part of the issue of women in our country.” (April 19, 2014)
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